Friday, April 17, 2009


Her name is Susan Boyle. She is the latest Internet sensation. Its not often I am at a loss for words, but after watching a clip of her on YouTube I am speechless. There are moments in life that sometimes cross your path, and if you're lucky, you recognize those instances and appreciate them. I have always been an underdog. I have always rooted for the underdog. And I am rooting for Susan Boyle. She lives in Scotland and recently appeared on "Britain's Got Talent," a show much like "America's Got Talent." The 7 minute segment on YouTube is both a condemnation of how shallow we are as humans, and, a shining example of pulling for the "good guys." If the piece doesn't bring a tear to your eye, get your heart checked. The video on YouTube has been viewed by over 20 million people. The more that see it the better. It needs no more set up. After viewing it, please post your thoughts here.

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