Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brave But Chicken

There are a lot of angry, mean people in our society. Here's proof. Go online, read any story where it allows you to post comments. Take 5 minutes and read some of the comments. I think its one of the bad things about the Internet. The anonymity the Internet gives people. The hatred and anger that's out there, all protected by the computer I am typing on right now. It makes cowards of people, and whats worse, makes people less accountable. It emboldens them to, in my opinion, ultimately do things that are wrong and even illegal. Whatever happened to someone standing up, saying something and sticking by their word? It's gone, relegated to a "hide behind the curtain," mentality with a signature of "abc89." And how mean are the comments they make? I hope their not my neighbors or yours, but they probably are. You wonder sometimes why things are in the toilet?

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