Monday, November 29, 2010

60 Seconds of me...Can't take much more

Call me crazy but I love to shop during the holidays. Going into the stores-I love the spirit and the energy. Everybody seems to be in a good mood. How do we capture that the other 11 months of the year?...........Have a cool new segment beginning Wednesday 12-1 at 712am on the Morning Show. Its called "Talking Business-Taking Action. Chuck Kotcher is a local business coach. He has had fantastic results helping businesses grow and improving their bottom line. Its a 2 minute feature packed with great information for any kind of business......Damn North Korea is at it again. What is it going to take to bring that crazy regime under control? And do we want to be a part of it? When you dig deeper into that mess, you realize how important it is to not do anything stupid, considering China is their ally....Oh by the way, a personal note-those of you that have disdain for my use of the words "thugs, creeps, and punks," when describing criminals in newscasts-members of the Colorado Springs Police Department tell us they love it. So its not going anywhere. And a lot of our listeners also give us positive feedback.

Monday, November 8, 2010

So Now What?

Republicans have re-taken the house following the Mid Term election. So now what kind of effect will they have on the economy? Here's the thing-all I keep hearing is we need more tax cuts to give small business a break so they can create jobs. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. This country needs BIG BUSINESS to start creating new jobs. But I don't think its going to happen. Look, any job creation is good, but small business really can't take a bite out of the 9.6 percent unemployment rate. We need big business to start hiring again. Factories, assembly lines, that's where you can make the biggest impact. But businesses are being cautious. They don't want to get caught again like they did the last couple of years. So they will figure out how to manufacture the most with the least. Simple as that. Government needs to help the larger companies so they can hire hundreds of people at a time, and those factory jobs will pay more. But until you and I feel the confidence to buy more cars, washing machines, homes and such I'm afraid it may not matter who is in control of the house or senate.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mon 10-18

I am still amazed by what we saw in Chile and the rescue of the 33 miners. I kept worrying something would happen as they ferried each miner to the surface. The Chileans wrote the book on how to conduct a rescue operation and the transparency, the openness they gave to the rest of the world to follow it. No politics, no b.s., no suits and ties getting in the way. Get em out, and they did. The men and women who put that plan together are not receiving enough praise and acclaim for what they did. "Heroes" does not seem a strong enough word for their actions.......Dan Maes is getting beat and battered in his failiing efforts to become Colorado's next Governor. Even if he were to step down and help the republican party focus on Tom Tancredo it still, in my opinion won't be enough to topple John Hickenlooper.....Looking forward to Glenn Becks Colorado Springs visit Tuesday night Ocotber 26th. He is promoting his new book, "Broke." Beck has had a bevy of health issues. A source told me he goes through a case of Diet Coke a day. Can't be that good for the system...So Doug Bruce is sending emails out berating supporters of Props 60, 61 and 101, yet claims he has nothing to do with those tax cutting measures. Right. Can we get this guy a hobby?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Welcome Back..

So there's talk of a 2012 Democratic Presidential ticket of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. This from Hillary's people. It actually makes sense. I think more women would vote and it would shake things up a bit, although it would make Joe Biden look like the fall guy. But Biden could replace Hillary as Secretary of State. Really? That could be very dangerous. And in the end, is it enough to calm the turbulent waters the Democrats have been sailing through the last 2 years? Don't think so. People have had it with them, both republicans and Democrats. The question is, who runs on the Republican ticket? I still like Rudy Guliani. and I do think Sarah Palin will give it a go, although a recent poll shows 48% of Americans surveyed look at her in an "unfavorable" light....I love the Fall-my favorite time of year. Something about the cooler days and the leaves changing color-its the best. And hopefully some snow. Don't be mad-I have to drive in it too.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

60 Seconds with me

Sorry its been awhile. A lot going on at the Radio Ranch......Interesting reading the Drudge Report and the stories that say even the Democrats think they are in trouble in the November Elections. Well, they will win the Governors seat in Colorado. I just don't see Dan Maes or Tom Tancredo getting past John Hickenlooper. By the way-like him or not, the Hickenlooper TV ads are very very good.......So how bout this story of the woman who was hurt in a springs city park on one of the pieces of playground equipment. Not only will the city not cover her medical expenses, but she has to pay THEM for the cost of trying to get them to pay to begin with. DAMN-great way to encourage city residents to use the park system. Its a bad PR move by the city.....Say a prayer for those miners still trapped in Chile. They have been down there since August 5th. Experts say even if they are rescued they may never be the same again because of the isolation they are enduring...Fall is my favorite time of year. There is something in the air, besides the cool temperatures, that just invigorates me. Yea, you're right, its the football........

Monday, August 9, 2010

60 Seconds With Me

Finally, finally, finally it looks like the BP mess is over. The oil spill that is. The lawsuits and the damage claims will last for years. I am honestly surprised and thankful there are not more off- shore accidents like this. Praise for the men and women who follow safety guidelines and provide oil for this country in a safe manner.......So in Portland a health inspector shut down a child's lemonade stand because the 7 year old did not have a license. The head of the department stepped in and said it was okay for the child to continue to sell lemonade. This is a big problem we have in our country-a lack of common sense. Its as simple as that. People are afraid to deviate from "The Book" or general rules, and they do stupid things like this. COMMON SENSE. That's the precious resource we have too little of in this nation.....So Doug Bruce hires a lawyer to fight contempt of court charges in Denver. His lawyer won 10 Million Dollars for his client Tim Masters illegally imprisoned for 10 years, but also represented Balloon Boys dad in Northern Colorado (lost that case) and he also represented Ward Churchill who was unsuccessful in getting his teaching Job back at CU. So the guys is 1-2 in high profile cases. Good Luck Doug.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I never used to be a big "vacation" guy. In my stupider days I didn't use all my vacation here at work. I lost days. As I get older (and hopefully wiser) I use every hour of every vacation day. Don't be stupid like I was a few years ago......Air Force Football practice begins August 2nd. I will have a blog at KVOR. com that I will update as the Falcons open practice and get ready for the season. ...Still time to register at to become a VIP club member. You could win dinner at 2 great restaurants at Bronco Billy's in Cripple Creek and they are giving away a car a day through mid August.....Should be a very interesting August Primary in Colorado. You wonder about Scott Mcinnis and his chances of getting past this plagiarism issue. Like it or not John Hickenlooper is the favorite to win the Governors seat in November....Facebook has just passed 500 million members. I loved what Betty White said about Facebook on Saturday Night live. She said she had never heard of Facebook and it was brought to her attention the campaign Facebook subscribers had mounted to get her on the show. She went on to say now that she knows about it, she figures it sounds like a huge waste of time....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back from vacation........Was working on my house doing a variety of things. If the lights at your home blinked or you lost electricity for a few minutes, my apologies. I know enough about that kind of work to get us all in trouble.......So whats up with Mel Gibson? This guy looks like he's crazy, and could be investigated by the Los Angeles DA's office for allegedly hitting and threatening his girlfriend. Would William Wallace do that? Would the Road Warrior do that?......Early warning. Air Force could have its best football team since the 1998 season. The schedule sets up so if they jump out to a fast start they could hit the top 25 polls in September......Its been great to meet many of our KVOR listeners at Springspree and our live broadcasts. Thanks for coming out and supporting us......I have dropped 5 pounds the last 2 weeks. My diet tip-only grab 3 handfuls of potato chips. Repeat after me-Moderation.....Condolences to the family of George Steinbrenner who died at age 80. Say what you want about him, but he was a big big supporter of the Air Force Academy...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

60 seconds Inside my Head-Which is 58 seconds too long for me........How bout this idiot near Nederland who abducts two people and ties them to a tree? They caught this guy who turns out to be homeless and has had some minor run-ins with the law. If he's not out looking for a job, just throws his a-- in jail and let him rot........Had the pleasure of sitting next to University of Colorado Athletic Director Mike Bohn at the recent Sports Corp Football Kickoff luncheon. Mike and I actually played basketball against each other in high school. He gave an impassioned speech about supporting college football and college sports in general and all the good things that come with it. He is a great leader for CU Athletics and one of the good guys in sports.....I've spent more time at the pool already this summer than I have spent in the last 10 years combined-which means I've bought every bottle of Aloe I can find in town-My nickname is "aspirin.".......Was not a big Larry King fan but I do think he is a great interviewer. 2 things he does all media types should learn-he asks short questions, and when he has an author on, he never reads the book prior to the interview....Things that bother me-When I am in line to pay for something and ahead of me is 10 members of 1 family. Look, one of you can pay for your purchase-the other 9, get out of line please......And finally, my vacation has arrived. DJ Mccoy, Charlie Stone and Ann Boswell will drive the bus while I remember what the term "sleep in" means.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Catch the Deluge in a Papercup"

So Joran Van Der Sloot admits to killing a young woman in Lima Peru. Finally that creep will get what he deserves. I would love the Peruvian Police to question him about Natalie Holloway. The Aruban authorities don't seem to have a clue....I've had this sitting on my desk for a week-"A United Nations investigator wants the U.S. to stop CIA-directed drone attacks on suspected islamic militants in Afghanistan and Paikstan. Philip Alston said there's a risk of developing a "Playstation" mentality because the operators of the drones are far away from the battlefield." HUH? You have to be kidding me. We are saving American lives thanks to technology and this yoyo thinks we should stop? Why? Because its unfair? How bout asking the Afghnaistan militants and Pakistan militants to observe rules of war and not kill women and children? Mr Alston you are an idiot.....I just got done moving. It's amazing the stuff I forgot I had...Am loving the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Hope it goes 7 and the Blackhawks win..... Final thought, and I stole this from YouTube-Dan Fogelberg's "Same Ole Lang Syne finishes with this-"She gave a kiss to me as I got out and I watched her drive away. Just for a moment I was back in school, and felt that old familiar pain. As I turned to make my way back home, the snow turned in to rain." Think about you and relationships. That line says it all. You either get it or you don't get it. Dan Fogelberg is still missed. He passed away December 2007.

Monday, May 24, 2010

And Now a Word From our Sponsor.......

Tv's are getting bigger and cell phones are getting smaller. Before you know it the cell phone will turn into the Dick Tracy Watch.......Hope you join us at Territory Days Memorial Day Weekend in Old Colorado City. Our tent will be at 25th and Colorado. Should be a lot of fun. If you love music, there will be 16 bands performing over all 3 days.....If you see any live pictures of the oil leak in the gulf your first thought is, "That should be pretty easy to fix." Then you realize its 5 thousand feet below the surface, and you can't send anything other than robots down there. The emergency plans they had for this type of situation need to be re-thought for future off-shore drilling.....Saw KC and The Sunshine Band recently in Las Vegas. His boogie shoes are a bit slower these days but the audience still loved him. He's out there at age 59 still drawing crowds.....Next week KVOR will give you a chance to win tickets to shows at the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo. The "On Sale" date for tickets is June 5th......Guilty pleasure-Rocky Road Ice Cream with marshmallow topping.....Final thought-is it football season yet?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It Goes in One Ear and Out........

Okay. I am finally ready for summer. I was the guy wanting another snowstorm and I got it a couple of weeks ago. Now time to play in the sun..........Have really enjoyed watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs the last several weeks. Its killing my beauty sleep however........KVOR has some cool things lined up for our booth at Territory Days Memorial Day Weekend. Hope you come out and say hi........Off year elections this year should be fascinating. To me, one of the big questions is, have Tea Parties helped or hurt republicans? Don't have the answer to that. But they have certainly re energized many conservatives around the nation....I am a big time concert guy. This year I will see KC and the Sunshine Band-yes, still alive and well and killin it. Might take in Chicago and the Doobie Brothers, Sting and the Royal Philharmonic at Red Rocks, and maybe 1 or 2 others.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

60 Seconds with Me

The best investment I made in the last 6 months? I bought a back scratcher. How I lived without it I will never know.....Phones are getting smaller and TV's are getting bigger. And when you get a big screen TV you can't ever remember using a 20 or 30 inch TV...........People ask me if I really do have a Sleep Number Bed by Select Comfort, and the answer is yes I do. Its a wonderful bed, and as much as I travel I guarantee you, its the best bed I have ever slept on.......I like the old days when I could simply walk into a local pharmacy and have a prescription filled. Now, I have to know my patient id number which is 14 characters long-and I have to mail it to Arizona, then wait 10-14 days to get it back. Take your time guys, its only keeping me alive....When I order pizza I now do it online. Its crazy. They tell you who received the order at the store, who's making the pie, and who delivers it... Another good thing about the Internet-I never have to balance my check book. I bank online and its right there in front of me...Fisher Deberry is back in town Saturday May 8th for his annual 5k 1k run and walk. Its a great event that helps raise money for Single Family Ministry, Homefront Cares, and The Fellowship of Christian Athletes. To sign up go online to be a fun movie summer. Sex In The City 2, the sequel to "Wall Street" with Michael Douglas. And there is a new "Star Trek in the works, and get this-Will Smith has just signed up to play the lead role in the sequel to "Independence Day." Final Thought- "Slow down-the world and all your challenges will be there when you're ready.

Friday, April 9, 2010

60 Seconds with Me

Sorry. I am the guy that loves spring snowstorms. By April most of us have had it with the bad weather. I am the exception. Blame me if we get another one before June...........I know life moves at a hundred miles an hour these days, but take 15 or 30 minutes for yourself and go for a walk, or take another way to work, or just slow down and do something different.......President Barack Obama is trying to fix everything, which is good, because my computer has been running too damn slow lately.......One of my favorite times of the year, with the NBA and the NHL Playoffs getting underway. Late nights, no sleep but great games. I can sleep in July....Best sign I have ever seen-In my doctors office. "Be nice to everybody, because everybody is battling something." Think about that. May not seem like it on the outside, but its so true....We are out at the El Paso County Tea Party Event April 15th at Acacia Park. The on the 16th if you get a moment please stop by our studios on Corporate drive for our "Boost To the Brave" promotion. We are gathering sundries for our troops in Afghanistan-chap stick, pumpkin seeds, baby wipes, men's vitamins, beef jerky, toothpaste, deodorant-things we take for granted. There's a full list at

Monday, March 22, 2010

Something You Need to Do

I spent a weekend with 8 longtime friends. We grew up and went to high school together and had been planning this visit for about 4 months. We called it, "The Year we Turn 50
Celebration." When you get with people you haven't been around in a while you assume they are the same people you remember. My buddies were. But it was interesting to watch and listen as we talked about raising kids, politics, the economy-all these issues that escaped us when we were 16 years old. We all turned out different in some ways. The best example was when 3 of us went shopping for food for the rest of the group. But the best part about our visit was I realized how important these people were in my life. And its not that I never knew that. But it was reaffirmed. Even though I hardly see most of the guys they represent a special time in my life. It made me appreciate them and me even more. We all have our struggles and challenges, and success stories. It's something I strongly recommend you do-whether its college friends, or high school chums. It will remind you who you were, but more importantly who you now are. Those 8 buddies are priceless to me-people i can always count on in good times and bad. I hope you are as lucky as me and have friends like that. Plan a get together with them. Life's too short not to do it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tine to Grow Up.

Finally, finally, someone comes up with the idea we should change to a strong mayoral form of city government. Yes Yes and Yes. Its about time. City Manager government is for small towns, which, in my opinion, we have wrestled with in this city (yes, city) for years. Is Colorado Springs a small town, or a city? Many voters act as if its a small town and I believe it has hurt us from growing, and attracting new business. Mayoral governments hold people accountable, but at the same time give the mayor and city council more power, which is what they need. We have a part-time city government at the moment. You're kidding me? We are a city of 375,000 people. The men and women who make up our city government are fine people and work hard. Changing to a mayoral form of government gives Colorado Springs a chance to grow, a chance to positively change the dynamics of this city.

Monday, February 22, 2010


So Tiger addressed the nation last Friday. You wanted to watch but you didn't want to watch. He looked uncomfortable and the whole event was so staged it wasn't funny. He didn't make many of his fellow golfers happy holding his conference on the Friday of the Accenture Match Play event. His mom was there but his wife was not. I wonder if she even watched the event. He showed the most emotion when denying his wife hit him with a golf club and when he spoke about allegations he uses steroids. Everything else was very robotic.

Look here's the deal-He's a guy with international fame and a lot of money. That attracts women. It will continue to attract women. I don't think going to a sex rehab clinic is the answer. Sure there are problems in the marriage, obviously, but he is not a sex addict, in my opinion. You can question his integrity and character, but if you want a better idea of what a sex addict it, go to Youtube and watch some shows from MTV called Celebrity Sex Rehab. Listen to some of the celebrities talk about their challenges with sex. It's not the same.

Final thought. Tiger was given bad advice. He should have sat down, and said, "Guys, I'm here for an hour-ask any question you want. At the end of the hour we are done and it will not be discussed again. " The world changes so fast he would have been back page news 72 hours afterwards. Instead he leaves us with more questions than answers, and as allegations continue to come forward about his after hours activities, and he remains silent on specifics, many people figure its the truth since he is not challenging it. And if you are his wife, why go back to him? Nothing is going to change. The temptation will remain. The questions is, can Tiger say no?

Friday, February 5, 2010


I like Fridays, but not for the reasons you think. I actually like Thursdays because at least in my building there is an energy you can feel as we get ready for the weekend. On Fridays everybody walks around here with a little more jump in their step. Of course we have a saying here at Citadel Radio and KVOR that we use every Friday. It is, "See ya tomorrow." (It means we are always working-which is a good thing these days.)

I lived in Denver for a while and I now understand why some Denverties look down their nose at the Springs, especially now, with a city that can't afford to keep all the street lights on, a town that can't water its parks, or keep bathrooms open. And we are going to try and convince companies to come to the city and bring jobs? Those of you that voted down a tax increase have no clue. But of course you will start screaming when they turn the street lights off in front of your house. This has nothing to do with quality of life. Its about basic services a city provides, and many of you let many of us down. Hope you're happy. You want services but expect someone else, or no one, to pay for them. You should be ashamed. Small town, small minds. You know who you are. This is a good city with the potential for greatness. If we all give a little, we all get a lot. Our cost of living is low to begin with. Hopefully soon those of us with more common sense and bigger dreams will begin to speak for the majority.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Random Thoughts

It bothers me to drive through the springs and see so many empty buildings. Have you noticed? Its absolutely scary how many once thriving businesses are now shut down. I keep hearing people say things are getting better. Hard to believe that seeing all the commercial space available.........The pictures coming back from Haiti following the 7.3 earthquake are terrible. Thousands of people have died. Many more who escaped with injuries face a difficult time because of lack of water and services. It makes you thankful you live in this part of the world where earthquakes are something we really don't have to deal with it........2010 will be a fascinating year with off-year elections. Many polls are showing democrats trailing in a number of races around the country. Harry Reid will have a hard time of it in Nevada, although the gaming industry is starting to turn around. Tourism in general is also up in that state as is the housing industry. Should Harry take credit? You know he will.....

Friday, January 8, 2010

City under Siege

So the city is now talking about turning off some street lights to save money. They could save over a million dollars a year. I'm fine with it as long as they don't turn my street lights off. I probably speak for all of you when I say that. But that's whats its come to in this city-we're looking at turning off street lights, which could make it easier for creeps, thugs and punks to operate outside the light. But hey, that's what you voted for back in November. And by the way, better not complain when you try to enjoy a nice day at your favorite park and the bathrooms are shut down or some of the playground equipment has been removed-you voted for it. I like this city-but its backwards. We have a City Manager form of government (outdated). We have a number of people that do not want to see this city grow and prosper, and don't want to spend a dime, yet demand, no, scream, for more services. We lose a police helicopter that was a valuable law enforcement tool. Well, we may have more crimes committed and a tougher time catching the bad guys. There are consequences. But its what you wanted.