Monday, November 29, 2010

60 Seconds of me...Can't take much more

Call me crazy but I love to shop during the holidays. Going into the stores-I love the spirit and the energy. Everybody seems to be in a good mood. How do we capture that the other 11 months of the year?...........Have a cool new segment beginning Wednesday 12-1 at 712am on the Morning Show. Its called "Talking Business-Taking Action. Chuck Kotcher is a local business coach. He has had fantastic results helping businesses grow and improving their bottom line. Its a 2 minute feature packed with great information for any kind of business......Damn North Korea is at it again. What is it going to take to bring that crazy regime under control? And do we want to be a part of it? When you dig deeper into that mess, you realize how important it is to not do anything stupid, considering China is their ally....Oh by the way, a personal note-those of you that have disdain for my use of the words "thugs, creeps, and punks," when describing criminals in newscasts-members of the Colorado Springs Police Department tell us they love it. So its not going anywhere. And a lot of our listeners also give us positive feedback.

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