Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Red Light Cameras

Recently Colorado struck down a measure that would have banned any kind of Red Light Cameras in the state. The decision was made in order to allow cities and towns to to make their own decision on if they should use the device. Good Move. However I have a problem with people who say Red Light Cameras are simply used to help Police Departments and city agencies
collect fees. Yes, that's a byproduct of what comes from someone BREAKING THE LAW!!! Look,
if you don't like red light cameras catching you breaking the law, then DON'T BREAK THE LAW!!! I despise people who break the law and get pissed with ramifications of doing so. Red Light Cameras do increase safety. That's the goal. If you speed, and get caught, you lose points on your license and get fined. We all know that. So what is your problem? I hate idiots who seem to think they are above the law. Look, cities and towns are suffering from lower tax collections. I have no problems with Red Light Cameras, or with police setting up additional speed traps around Colorado Springs. It is a way to increase revenue. If you don't like that don't speed, and it won't affect you. Speed, and get caught, and tough tootles. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions!!!!!

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