Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Silence is Broken

Because Doug Bruce is out of jail. He received early release for good behavior (oh joy). The ex con says he plans to sue the jail over deplorable conditions. Hey Doug-its jail you idiot. He ranted and raved about a variety of things including having his life threatened twice. And he plans to appeal his conviction, which I think is a good idea because it will keep him occupied.......The low unemployment report for May could not have come at a worse time for Barack Obama. It will be a key campaign battle issue for the President and Mitt Romney. Many polls are now showing the two are virtually tied in the race for the White House......Had a great time at the Van Halen-Kool and The Gang Concert. An unusual pairing yes, but great music all night long, although David Lee Roths better days are perhaps behind him. Its a heck of a year for concerts in Colorado. Red Rocks has more acts booked than ever before, which is certainly a good sign for the economy.

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