Monday, April 13, 2009


I watched and listened over the weekend as U.S. Navy Seals shot and killed 3 Somali pirates, and rescued Captain Richard Phillips from a lifeboat off the coast of Somalia . There are so many details to this incredible story that are just amazing , and I'll be commenting on many of them. A couple of things stood out-1) President Barack Obama gave the order to use force, if necessary, to free Captain Phillips. 2) We didn't wait a week, or a month, or 6 months to do something. We used aggression and it saved an American life. I have become sick and tired of the do-gooders in this world who think we need to treat terrorists, murders and thieves with kindness and compassion. No Sir! We are dealing with enemies around the world who are not afraid of dying, and who believe the United States has become soft, especially since the Iraq War. Thank Goodness we had someone, starting with the President, who realized force might be necessary. Thank God we could drop Navy Seals by helicopter to the USS Bainbridge. And Thank God, the Captain of the Bainbridge had the common sense, to realize they had a chance to take those Somali pirates out, and they did. Sorry, but many times violence is the answer to other violent actions. The more countries negotiate and pay ransoms, the more Somali Pirates will hijack vessels. No, the deaths of 3 pirates will not be a deterrent. However it sends a clear message this country will use whatever force is necessary to protect Americans. It would be nice if this policy would extend past the Horn Of Africa and to other conflicts we are involved in around the world. Like him or not, the President of the United States made the right call, and a captain, who gave himself up so his crew could escape, is alive today. More to come.

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